Happy Birthday America

Happy Birthday America This is a great song  RIP Toby Keith

 July 4 is celebrated because that's the day in 1776 when the country declared its freedom from British rule by signing the Declaration of Independence. True history buffs will know that only John Hancock penned his signature on July 4th.  248 yrs ago

July 4th isn't about all the fireworks, and hoopla, it is about our freedom.  Our very freedom that 248 yrs is growing less and less each day.  We as a nation need to bring God back, He is the only one that can fix the continuously growing issues with out country.

If you are going to be out celebrating the 4th please be safe, don't forget your pets, there are more pets lost during this time than any other, stay hydrated, wear loose and light weight clothing.  Take lots of photos and make those memories count.


Oh beautiful for heroes provedIn liberating strifeWho more than self, their country lovedAnd mercy more than life
America, America may God thy gold refine'Til all success be noblenessAnd every gain divined
And you know when I was in schoolWe used to sing it something like this, listen here
Oh beautiful, for spacious skiesFor amber waves of grainFor purple mountain majestiesAbove the fruited plain
But now wait a minute, I'm talking aboutAmerica, sweet AmericaYou know, God done shed his grace on theeHe crowned thy good, yes he did, in brotherhoodFrom sea to shining sea
You know, I wish I had somebody to help me sing this(America, America, God shed his grace on thee)America, I love you America, you seeMy God he done shed his grace on theeAnd you oughta love him for it'Cause he, he, he, he crowned thy goodHe told me he would, with brotherhood(From sea to shining Sea)Oh Lord, oh Lord, I thank you Lord(Shining sea)


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