Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday all!  How is it already going on the end of Sept? hard to believe that this year only has 3 months and 11 days or so.

I am sorry I have been off blogging of late, the depression bug bit me hard, both vehicles were broken down at the same time, both are fixed and running now.  

Today I am thankful for:

My Salvation, knowing that Jesus will never leave me, we have been getting cooler weather and a chance of rain tonight and tomorrow *please pray it does we need it desperately.  I am thankful for good reports at the pulmonologist last week, lungs are good!  I had to change my phone number, what a royal pain:  having to call SS, Medicare, Auto Insurance, Bank, Pharmacy, Dr's.  Up above you see both vehicle were broken at same time, the car broke a belt while I was in KS visiting my friends.  Thank GOD for AAA they rescued me and brought me home *I have the extended mileage* thankfully I wasn't on the road, the belt broke in my friends driveway.  Made for a really long day.   The SUV wasn't broken per say, the AC blower quit blowing, being asthmatic I need the air.  

I have food in my cabinets, a/c, unconditional love of my heavenly father and my fur babies, I have friends that "just check on me", my brothers and I are getting along, even getting to know some of my cousins again.

WE NEED TO PRAY FOR OUR COUNTRY more so than ever before.  please pray for all the sick and afflicted.  We have 12 people at our little country church, please pray that God's blessing will pour down on us, and let our congregation grow.  We pray daily for this.  We all know someone who is going thru something, illness, financial, death of a loved one.   I have a couple of friends going thru cancer, one is terminal the other in remission.  I have decided my terminal friend is going to get something in the mail from me on a weekly basis, and maybe a little snack package as well.  Lets all try a little kindness, and make our country a better place again.

I truly hope each of you have a blessed weekend!   Do you Know my Jesus?

Do You Know My Jesus  if you do not know HIM I strongly encourage you to get to know HIM as your Savior today before it is too late.  This is the Pastor and his son singing.   

 Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.


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