Friendly Fill-ins: Week 64

We are happy you are here for another week of friendly sharing! As always,
 you can find the fill-ins here and at each Thursday.
 On Fridays, we post the linky for sharing. The first two fill-ins are always 
provided by Ellen. The final two statements are offered by myself.
 You are welcome to answer in the comments. If you link up, 
people can share more easily!

Please visit Eli at Coach Daddy for his monthly Six Word post. 
July is about one's greatest adventures. I found this month's posts very moving. 
Lots going on here on the Gator Pad
Gator is going to on the road (next week)
keep prayers coming for safe travels.
summer has been just that HOT and no rain but will take that over the cold
any day

I hope you are enjoying the “dog days” of Summer where you are. Oklahoma Here
 May yours be sweet, too.
Here are my completed fill-ins:

1. As a child, my favorite playground activity was: playing in the creek all day long
with no worries, swinging on those huge grape vines was always fun
2. For breakfast, I have: this morning I had  peanut butter and jelly on toast
with Dr. Pepper
3. An instrument I would like to play is:  I play the clarinet, oboe and piano, Learning
how to play the mandolin love the sound it gives off

4. I always try to: to see the good in everybody, sometimes it backfires and I get hurt
but the Good Lord gave me big shoulders for an important reason, to hold every
body else problems 

Now, it's your turn. Please join us by linking up with us here...

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