Jesus is the shelter in the storm week 4

 I am sorry for the late post to finish this study up.  

 I truly hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I have.

Week 4 Psalm 55:6-8 Jesus is the shelter in the storm

6:  I said, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove!  I would fly away and be at rest.  7:  behold, I would wonder far away, I would lodge in the wilderness.  8:  I would hasten to my place of refuge from the stormy wind and tempest.

David is stressed, worried and concerned about his “so” called friends who were plotting and betrayed him.  He is unsure which way to turn or who he can trust anymore.  How hurtful for him, for those he thought loved him had strategized against him even plotting to kill him.  He is overwhelmed by so many emotions which is understandable. Helplessness, betrayal, hurt, fear, just a few emotions he must have felt.   <A mighty big storm for David to face> death, betrayal, fear and uncertain who he could turn to or trust or even where to turn.  We can all relate to the emotions like David did.  He wonders how he could just escape from it all. 1) Fly away like a dove, 2) Rave shelter from the storm} He can’t stop thinking about the murderous plans that the people plotted against him.  The hardest of all was knowing that someone behind all this was someone who David thought was a close friend.  In the midst of all the stress David turns to God and his faith is reunited again even while he wrestles with the thoughts of betrayal and fear, he decides the only way to rebuild by the burden on his mind:  Hand everything over to God, {we need to do this also, God is our safe place}  when we feel like we can’t find Him, He meets us where we are, when we do not know which way to turn due to the wild winds and the storms going on in our lives, He is right there with us.  When we can’t think of anything but running away, all we have to do is run into the arms of Jesus, for He is the safest place to be.

TRUTH:  Rest in peace in knowing that He is who He says He is and knowing he will do what he says he will do.  Also, how David found refuge in God, we can too!


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