Gods written word week 3

 2 John 1:12

1Though I have many things to write to you, I do not want to do so with paper and ink; but I hope to come to you and speak face to face, so that your joy may be made complete.

How God's word impacts our lives.   John is speaking to us about using pen and ink but takes it to deeper lever.  "I have so much to share" with you that now I want to talk to you face to face.  {shows how invested he was in those lives in his circle of care.  {Shows us when he couldn't visit and have face to face interactions like he wanted to, he took the time to write profound and heartfelt letters.

The message that John was conveying in this written letter in 2 John is very important, over all letter itself he is warning them of false teachings and purging them to continue in love and truth.  He wanted to continue this conversation in person.  "So that our joy may be complete."

Face to face fellowship is important and we can learn about the attitude of 2 John 1:12  Be very mindful how we use our words to encourage others, whether we write, text, email or even posting on social media.   It is beneficial to get together with like minded people, fellowship, small groups, bible studies, book groups, activities ect.

Isn't it amazing how the power of the Holy Spirit connects others to our hearts from those we have just met?

This is a very special connection when we are  face to face , that happens when 2 people who love Jesus get together and talk about HIM.

We all have a circle of influence that God has given each one of us, we have unique opportunities to encourage those around us with face to face interactions.

Always us face to face to encourage those around  you and point them to Jesus.  "That is where we will find complete JOY."


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