Jesus is the shelter in the storm week 3

 Week 3:  Zephania 3:17

The LORD your God is in your midst.  A victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy.   He will be quiet in His love.  He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.

Quieting us with His love, rejoices over us with singing, Can we really relate to all this when in the middle of a storm raging around us?


1st phrase The LORD your God is in your midst; <God is with us no matter where we are> relationship challenge, financial, depression, matter the storm HE is in the middle of it, we can call to HIM because he is already moving in our direction, looking at us ready to lift us up and be our shelter in the storm.

2nd phrase He is the mighty one:  stronger than any storm we are facing the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is already working  within us.

3:  He will save:  it doesn't matter where you've been, where you are now, what you have done.  God's desire is to save you! He created you, loved you.  He knows we face trials in the world and trouble.  He will never allow us to be overtaken in a way that threatens our eternal life with HIM.  We are always in the very palm of HIS hand.    He will rejoice over you with gladness.  God delights in us, He invites us in to His kingdom worth and looks at us created in HIS image and says with a smile "YOU MAKE MY HEART GLAD."

4:  He will quiet you by His love.  We can quietly rest in Him in the middle of a storm, no need running around trying to fix things, rush to find solutions when things feel out of control.  We can  trust that none of the storms we are facing will overtake us, we can breath in HIS love, breath out the fear and allow him to quiet our souls in this storm.

5:  He will Exult over us with loud singing.  When in the midst of a storm Gods voice needs to be loud to be heard over all the commotion.  From HIS heart, reflection of how He feels about us.  Singing about His love for us and reminding us to trust Him through the storm, it comes out in Him because He is love.  Imagine being in His loving arms being sung over while the storm rages around us .   There is a lot of comfort in that statement.


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