Thankful Thursday


Today's Verse for Thursday, May 25

Exodus 20:12
12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.

Today I am thankful for:   My salvation, thank you Father for always being here for me. My health is improving daily, Food in the cabinets, a/c, dependable transportation, my animals, friends, family, all the birthday wishes, calls, and cards.   That we have been getting rain compared to the drought already started by this time last year.   The blooming flowers have been so pretty this year.  I am thankful for my church family  so much that we have to be thankful for.

    Praying for our country, lost souls, homeless people, veterans, financial freedom to those that need it, family members who are ill, friends who are needing direction.

Happy Memorial Day weekend and please remember to thank a Veteran, be safe.  I am blessed to be going to the Renaissance Faire with my best friend from school, this weekend theme is German, (I am almost 3/4 German so this should be fun even got a german outfit to wear)


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