Jesus is the vine part 4

 This is a chapter of hope, the kind of hope that shows us the relentless love of God.   God's promise to Israel:  Rebuild, replant, dance and enjoy the fruits of the vineyard.  God gives us the same promises:     Everlasting love, and faithfulness; these are probably the most underserving things from the LORD.       He shows grace to all of us.     The next time your out driving around looking at the greenery from the crops planted, vineyards, orchards ect, remember God is at work in ways that we may not see right now.   If we believe His word and that we can trust he is faithful, loving, full of grace, kindness.   In His kindness He does not leave us on our own to face the hard times alone.                                                       PROMISE:   His faithful presence, relentless love, assurance of knowing that one day he will wipe our tears dry.    God draws us to himself and lovingly rebuilds our lives        

OUR Tears   Please listen to the enclosed song.

Jeremiah 31:3-5 NASB

3The Lord appeared to him from afar, saying,
“I have loved you with an everlasting love;
Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness.
4Again I will build you and you will be rebuilt,
O virgin of Israel!
Again you will take up your tambourines,
And go forth to the dances of the merrymakers.
5Again you will plant vineyards
On the hills of Samaria;
The planters will plant
And will enjoy them.

Thank you Father for your everlasting, faithfulness, and picking me up when I stumble, but most of all thank you for wiping away my tears over the last few years with the death of my beloved husband Gary and my first and best friend mama.   I know they both ran to you with arms wide opened and smiles on their faces.    


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