
Showing posts from May, 2023

Renaissance Fair German Theme 52723

My life long friend invited me to the Ren faire it was so much fun!  This is the first time I have ever gotten to go to this one in OK.   I learned alot about the Renaissance era    This was my German outfit for the day This guy is way braver than me, esp when the whole thing lit with fire and he was running and jumping rope on the outside  Beverly and I posing for a pic This was kind of cool  The Renaissance sword fighters were pretty cool...the one in the green is married to the twig fairy (at the bottom) how I love the fairy wings even a little fairy house (love how it looks like a bird house this baby barred owl is only 10 weeks old he did a tremendous job, however when he was waiting for his snack, a *wild* Mississippi Kite came down and almost grabbed the poor baby owl, he was terrified afterwards. The falcon (some kind of asian falcon) was only 6 weeks old, the blinder is to keep him calm The jousting was fun, amazing how it can look so real since this was my first time being I

Jesus is the vine part 4

 This is a chapter of hope, the kind of hope that shows us the relentless love of God.   God's promise to Israel:  Rebuild, replant, dance and enjoy the fruits of the vineyard.  God gives us the same promises:     Everlasting love, and faithfulness; these are probably the most underserving things from the LORD.       He shows grace to all of us.     The next time your out driving around looking at the greenery from the crops planted, vineyards, orchards ect, remember God is at work in ways that we may not see right now.   If we believe His word and that we can trust he is faithful, loving, full of grace, kindness.   In His kindness He does not leave us on our own to face the hard times alone.                                                       PROMISE:   His faithful presence, relentless love, assurance of knowing that one day he will wipe our tears dry.    God draws us to himself and lovingly rebuilds our lives         OUR Tears    Please listen to the enclosed song. Jeremiah 31

Thankful Thursday

  Today's Verse for Thursday, May 25 Exodus 20:12 12  “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you. Today I am thankful for:   My salvation, thank you Father for always being here for me. My health is improving daily, Food in the cabinets, a/c, dependable transportation, my animals, friends, family, all the birthday wishes, calls, and cards.   That we have been getting rain compared to the drought already started by this time last year.   The blooming flowers have been so pretty this year.  I am thankful for my church family  so much that we have to be thankful for.      Praying for our country, lost souls, homeless people, veterans, financial freedom to those that need it, family members who are ill, friends who are needing direction. Happy Memorial Day weekend and please remember to thank a Veteran, be safe.  I am blessed to be going to the Renaissance  Faire with my best friend from school, this weekend theme is German

Thankful Thursday

  Today's Verse for Thursday, May 18 Acts 1:8 8  But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Today I am thankful for: my salvation and my heavenly Father never giving up on me    That I am connected to the vine.                                             my church family,   a/c for the warmer days  food in my cabinets,   bills paid,   friends coming to help do some projects that I physically cant do, as I get dizzy on a ladder                          dependable transportation,  my blogging family/friends. Praying for: Our country,  Church,  lost souls,  Illnesses, financial freedom, new parents, friends who need guidance. I hope each of you have a blessed weekend ahead, for me I will be celebrating my 56th birthday on Monday May 22, kind of cool I was born on a Monday evening. :)