Wordless Wednesday


Wednesday, April 19James 5:1616 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

Hi all, I hope your doing well with spring time my favorite time of the year as it reminds me how everything is renewed...Kind of like my faith, gets a daily renewal.   Let me tell you sisters, if you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior now is the time to get to know him!   The end times are here and you do not want to be left and not knowing the Almighty King!  

I have recovered from my depression thank you for the ones who prayed for me.    Mental health is very real, next time you talk to your friend, sister, brother (whom ever) and they mention depression, anxiety, fear, remember to tell them they are not alone and there is a lot of help out there today.  This is not a made up illness it is very real.   I suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, the struggle is real on a daily basis, but knowing that God can and will get me thru the day and that my illness is of Satan not  our GOD.  He keeps me in the palm of His hand, and His arms wrapped around me daily, reminding me that I am a child of GOD I have no need to be afraid, scared, ect.

I hope each of you have a blessed day and that you accept each blessing as they are given to you


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