Happy Tuesday and bw 2

 I truly hope everyone is staying safe from this brutal weather.   I think mother nature has became very bi-polar.   Monday it was 22 for high, we had Thunder, lighting, sleet, freezing rain, snow, all in a bout 10 mins.    The roads went from clear to 3" of sleet in less than 15 minutes.   Today the high is 23 and  has been repeating yesterday off and on most of the day.   

The birds are loving all of the feeders, maybe tomorrow I can get some pics, as they are still skiddish.

Life on the farm is good, please pray for the horses, as they do not tolerate the extreme temperature change easily and with them being older.   Saturday it was 60.

something about snow in b/w is actually kind of cool

hope you each have a blessed rest of week,   Please pray that my propane lasts until tomorrow so that I can get out safely as today is not a safe day to drive.  


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