Happy Saturday

 Saturday, January 21

Proverbs 18:1010 The name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.

I truly hope each and every one of you are safe (from the weather in your area)  We have had some CRAZY weather this week.   Mon- Tues was in 70's Wed 60's Thursday, all heck broke lose and it hit 38 then Friday was in the 50's no wonder everybody is sick. Today 50 and temps dropping with rain turning to snow  So far, Praise the Lord I have not had even a sniffle!    
    If you pray, good vibes, positive thoughts please keep my Great nephew Justin in your prayers he is 12 yrs old was hospitalized Monday with double pneumonia and a fungi viral infection.  After all the test, thank GOD he does not have Leukemia however his #'s are all messed up so they are going to start treatment to make sure this doesn't go to Leukemia.   Wednesday they had started on more steroids which yesterday weren't working, the Dr's told my Niece (The boys mom) that had he not been in the hospital he would have been in ICU and on a vent    Please keep this precious baby in your prayers, he will not be able to go back to school until they get his immune system properly taken care of.  Thinking of babies one of the twins got pink eye while at day care, so their dad had to miss 2 days of work.  Now on to work, my niece hasn't been on her "new" job long enough to get leave of absence so they "let her go" and told her she could reapply when she can.   

My friend in Springfield MO is still on a vent but there is improvement daily she has been in ICU since Tuesday after Christmas.    

On to life on the farm,  Friday morning at 338 I was rudely awakened by a huge boom sounded like an explosion.   Josh and I went to get propane and horse feed and found some news it was however a meteor that exploded in the county we live in, had it not have exploded maybe we could have found some of the rocks, that would have been super cool.
Thinking of life on the farm,  all the animals are doing well, think they are all ready for spring I know I sure am.

I hate that I got behind on the BW photos that I have done for several years, I am going to start Today and try to keep up, it has been cold here since Thanksgiving minus a few days is why I haven't taken any photos.

I hope everybody has a great weekend and a blessed week ahead


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