Fiona Meets Friedrick

Fiona meets Friedrick  she is like mom is the my brother or my boyfriend.  Yes, Fiona it is your brother we are not to the boyfriend age yet.  Thursday Dec 8   I apologize again for getting behind    I am doing 3 advent studies, my zoo crew takes time also, plus my daily chores.

Silly elves I am thankful you are patriotic however no matter how hard you try it will not fling you back to the north pole.  Friday Dec 9

Fiona that is very rude of you to try to steal Uncle Josh's coffee *You are spose to drink hot chocolate w marsh mellows SILLY elf you do no need caffeine.

Friedrick what on earth are you doing drinking out of Aunt Beth's coke as stated with Fiona you are spose to drink hot chocolate with marsh mellows  SILLY silly elves    However the people at the restaurant were all smiling with this 55 yr old mom playing with the elves while we were eating... *My job completed made somebody laugh*  Saturday 1210

oh Lordy now they think that the candy canes are edible, no sillies they are decorations. Sunday 1211

John 1:9-109 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him

I hope you have a blessed week ahead.


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