Tuesday 102522

 Happy Tuesday all.   I pray that each of you are doing well.   

We finally got some much needed rain here in OK,   I haven't taken many pics of  late as the sudden changing weather has my shoulder in a tizzy.  Nothing out of the normal just have to listen when it tells me to stop doing stuff.  My zoo crew is all doing well.  *Maybe a new name for a blog ? as I have my dollies and animals*  this may have to happen.   My heater decided it didn't want to work this year :( we have to take it apart with it have been raining it will have to be done at later time, I have a couple ceramic >electric< heaters that are sufficient for now.    I still HAVE NOT found my beloved necklace.  I know it will show up when I need a pick me up, and God will show me where it is.  Our trees are finally turning, may take a drive in a few days to capture some of the beauty.

One thing I enjoy doing is coloring thought this one was appropriate for the season

The Babies are growing th
ey will be 9 months on 11222

The women I go to church with we had a get together and one of the ladies made these 2 cuties   A veggie skeleton,  I just love Pintrest, do YOU?

and jalepeno poppers made into cute little mummies *pintrest*

Sandra rocking her new jammies 

Graecie is rocking her new jammies as well she is growing she is up to 4.9 lbs

last but not least, All we need is the faith of a mustard seed.  One of my favorite verses.  Do you have that faith that can move a mountain?  


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