Thankful Thursday


Happy last Thursday in October.  Where in the world did October go?
Our fall colors are starting to show, I can't wait to go for a drive and capture the beauty.   We got some very much needed rain, and cooler temps *it seems like fall* not our Indian Summer.
We had our first heavy freeze *very early* but glad all the ragweeds are now gone and dead.  They cause horrible allergies.  There was at least 15 varieties in the yard.  

Today I am thankful for so many things *everyday is a blessing to me* 


My salvation, the never ending love of our heavenly Father (he never leaves us), cooler temps, the rain we got and more coming,  dependable transportation, the ability to go and take pictures, food in the cabinets, warm comfy blankets for cooler nights, heat for cold weather, my pets who love me unconditionally, friends, family, the ladies at the church I go to.


our country, many illnesses throughout the country, people who have lost loved ones, lost souls, people who need financial freedom, the homeless, family members who are going thru problems, friends who are facing troubles, a friend whose pet is on the edge of crossing rainbow bridge, (MYSELF to be a better servant to those in need) having the wisdom to say the right words at the right time to somebody who may need to hear, being able myself to see and hear the words that God wants me to say.  Please keep praying that I find my necklace (its a family heirloom that belonged to mom, dad got it for her on their 25th wedding anniversary in 1979)  

I pray all of you have a blessed and safe weekend ahead.   

Thursday, October 27Romans 5:1717 For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!
Read Romans 5


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