A few pics from the weekend

This little frog thought he was hiding from me however I saw him jump there.  Mr/Mrs Frog you can't hide from a photographer no matter how clever you think you are.
Saturday's Bible Journaling.  I also use a 3 subject notebook as sometimes what I want to journal is too large for my bible.

Psalm 23:2  has so much truth to it

The angels were looking down on us along with the beautiful sun rays  I know I keep my guardian angels on their toes for sure.  I love when God paints for us.  This was around dusk
Ms. Corn Spider decided to make her web on the end of my travel trailer  (she is shielded by the ladder)  they are harmless, eat lots of bugs and make a beautiful zipper web for us to enjoy.   I had never gotten close enough to one to see that their heads are grey very cool
More beautiful clouds right at dusk I am not sure of the shapes I see in this photo.

Todays bible verse :  Monday, September 262 Peter 3:99 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish,    but everyone to come to repentance.


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