Gods Beauty

so hard to believe these little guys will be 6 months tomorrow 8222 sitting in their highchairs eating breakfast like big boys 

Samuel Everette 

Carter Lynn
a pretty little yellow flower shot with my new macro lens (This is the first pics with camera in 6 months or more)
The ants sure love this milk weed, the monarchs love it, must be really sweet tasting
this bumblebee had so much pollen on him/her blow up the pic and you can see the pollen dust on the thistle
another bumblebee
and yet another one it wasn't bothered with me having the lens 3" from him
Dad's headstone got replanted so they could engrave moms 
Mom's part of the headstone finally got engraved a year later, it is so nice, mom would really be proud.
seems the bumble bee couldn't decide on the milk weed or the thistle
this cute little butterfly found the thistle.   Those things have big, huge stickers and do not feel nice when they grab you, however I do not have the heart to cut them down since so many insects need them right now.

we can always find God's beauty any place we look if we just open our eyes and look around.  What do you see through your camera lens?

 Monday, August 01

1 Peter 2:2424 “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”


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