Happy Veteran's Day


 The top pic is my dad in
 Korea  1953, doesn't
 he look handsome?
 He was in the Army.
Thank you Dad for the
sacrifice you made,
leaving a boy coming
 back a man.  I am so
sadden how the 
Korean & Vietnam vets
were treated on arrival it 
makes me want to cry

  Pic 3 is the latest, our nephew
 *DAX* he is in the Marine Corps
 (Stationed in Okinawa, Japan)
  Thank you Dax we are very
 proud of you. 
Praying he is not called to war.

Make sure to say thank you to a Veteran.
Their sacrifice is the reason we have our 
Freedom..it is and never will be free.
We are very proud of you.
My dad and his twin were both in Korea
as well as my dad's oldest brother.
My mom's 3 brothers were in Vietnam
as well as my dad's twin all over there at one time.
I am so thankful they all came home in one 
piece.  In 2003 my moms middle 
brother passed away with complications of
YES>>>> agent orange ;( RIP JIMMY
I am very proud to be an American and waive
my flag with pride & glory

the video below is very fitting for today
better have your tissues ready though

took this today, at one of the local cemeteries
how awesome is this a great way to honor our vets 


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