
Showing posts from August, 2023

Gods written word week 3

 2 John 1:12 1 2  Though I have many things to write to you, I do not want to  do so  with paper and ink; but I hope to come to you and speak f ace to face, so that  your  joy may be made complete. How God's word impacts our lives.   John is speaking to us about using pen and ink but takes it to deeper lever.  "I have so much to share" with you that now I want to talk to you face to face.  {shows how invested he was in those lives in his circle of care.  {Shows us when he couldn't visit and have face to face interactions like he wanted to, he took the time to write profound and heartfelt letters. The message that John was conveying in this written letter in 2 John is very important, over all letter itself he is warning them of false teachings and purging them to continue in love and truth.  He wanted to continue this conversation in person.  "So that our joy may be complete." Face to face fellowship is important and we can learn about the attitude of 2 John

Girls weekend August 11 thru 13

we stopped at a winery in AR first time some of us had ever been to one (including me)  this is the gang that went  The back patio on the top floor what an awesome view the trail that leads down to the lake Beaver Lake Garfield Arkansas Maddie the weather girl got to forecast the weather and she was spot on! This is War Eagle Mill entrance a working water mill since the Civil War Some of the gang walking to the mill, the old bridge is still driven across today Some history about the mill The bridge and creek   The water wheel turning we got busted at the moonshine house, not really it was all in fun, but told family at home it was 500 per person and there were 7 of us. Nothing but God's beauty as far as the eye could see a different look out point This was up the hill from the air bnb we stayed at.  I could live here with no guilty feelings. back of our bnb so beautfiul the trail to the lake again This cemetery was really cool Old Ruddick School house established 18 something (what

August Bible Journaling Gods Written Word week 1 and 2

  August bible Journaling Gods Written Word Week 1 Luke 4:16-20   16  And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up; and as was His custom, He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath, and stood up to read.   17  And the scroll of Isaiah the prophet was handed to Him. And He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written: 18  “ The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me , Because He anointed Me to bring good news to the poor . He has sent Me to proclaim release to captives , And recovery of sight to the blind , To set free those who are oppressed , 19  To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord .” 20  And He rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down; and the eyes of all  the people  in the synagogue were intently directed at Him. Jesus is reading about Himself as the prophet Isaiah had written about Jesus many years before.   Gods written word is pointing toward the living word, Jesus. This is the story of Jesus holding the scrolls of

Thankful Thursday

 Happy Thursday! We all have so much to be thankful for on a daily basis.  Instead of listing everything that I am thankful for I am going to focus on 1 thing.  This does not mean I am thankful for everything else. I am always thankful for my salvation.  Today I am thankful for the much needed rain we have gotten over the last few days, why you ask, do I want to focus on the rain?   Rain, cleanses the air we breath daily, you should have seen all the pollen, dust, dirt that showed up on the vehicles.  Rain cleanses the outside, like Jesus cleanses us.  Without rain, crops die, grass dies, trees die, cracks in the ground 1" wide or more.  It also effects the hay for winter, people who have farms depend on hay for winter for their livestock.   Rain also brought a BIG relief in the very hot and dangerous temps, Sunday here the temp was 108 and heat index of 122 and had been in the 100's over 2 weeks straight.  Today the temp is 86. Let it Rain   what a powerful song

Jesus is the shelter in the storm week 4

 I am sorry for the late post to finish this study up.    I truly hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I have. Week 4 Psalm 55:6-8 Jesus is the shelter in the storm 6:  I said, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove!  I would fly away and be at rest.  7:  behold, I would wonder far away, I would lodge in the wilderness.  8:  I would hasten to my place of refuge from the stormy wind and tempest. David is stressed, worried and concerned about his “so” called friends who were plotting and betrayed him.  He is unsure which way to turn or who he can trust anymore.  How hurtful for him, for those he thought loved him had strategized against him even plotting to kill him.  He is overwhelmed by so many emotions which is understandable. Helplessness, betrayal, hurt, fear, just a few emotions he must have felt.   <A mighty big storm for David to face> death, betrayal, fear and uncertain who he could turn to or trust or even where to turn.  We can all relate to the emotions like Davi