
Showing posts from December, 2022

Thursday Thankfuls

  Happy Thursday all!  Wow Christmas has come and gone and it almost a New Year.  Had a very blessed Christmas and a nice day of making memories. I am thankful for My Salvation My Freedom Food in the fridge and cabinets Heat for the brutal cold weather we had Unconditional love of my pets Dependable transportation Getting released from the ortho from my surgery June 28 2022 which is not a normal thing usually a year Dr said I was doing well enough on my own he was going to cut me loose.  However I still have to be careful up to the year and gave me the do's and don'ts after that year is up Warm covers A nice safe place to call home and no nasty landlord Prayer Request Our country Health of all people sick stranded families at SW Airlines  friends suffering depression family members needing general prayer Our pastors I believe right now they need all the extra prayer as well Medical, EMT, Officers, Firemen/women That family that has lost a loved one during the holidays Friends i

Merry Christmas memories

  Sammy and Carter enjoying their first Christmas (boxes were the delight of the day)  they are now 10 1/2 months wow time flies Aunt Gina couldn't get enough of this cuteness my beautiful neice the mom of the twins.  This has been a tradition since she was 9 yrs old before then she didn't like her pics taken These kids were so excited all the great nephews and the cutie little blond the only great neice. Sammy picked the bow up and put it on his head so stinking cute. Besides Jesus,  he was the best present of the day Sunday, December 25 Luke 2:10-12 10  But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.  11  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.  12  This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Festive Friendly Fill-Ins

Joining in on the Fill ins today if you want to  join  Festive Friendly Fill-Ins Hello, friends! I'm so sorry we're so late to post yet again. The good news is that we're late because in a desperate attempt to get my decrepit laptop working better, I managed to get it to do a ton of forgotten updates yesterday evening. It took it the entire night and only just finished a bit ago, which is why we're so late, but since doing these updates, the laptop is still decrepit but much less so. Before it croaks again, right after this we'll be topping off our entire Christmas weekend posts and the beginning of our Twelve Days of Christmas posts so that they're good and ready to go. Now, moving on, we're ready for a festive Friendly Fill-Ins challenge,                                                                                                and we hope you are as well. We'd love for you to join us!                                                               

Legend of the Poinsettia

  With Christmas upon us thought it would be appropriate to post The History & Legends The popular Christmas flower know in this country as the poinsettia was first called a cuetlaxochitl by the Aztecs. It represented purity, and its name signified "Flower that withers, mortal flower that perishes like all that is pure". The cuetlaxochitl was cultivated as an exotic gift from nature and admired but never touched. Its bright red color had been given by the gods as a reminder of the periodic sacrificial offerings in accordance with the creation of the Fifth Sue. The intense red represented chalchimatl, the precious liquid of the sacrifices offered to the gods.  Beautiful botanical gardens existed throughout the Aztec empire in pre-Hispanic times. Flowers and herbal plants were cultivated for their beauty and medicinal purposes. From October to mid-May, the cuetlaxochitl was admired and observed as it flowered like "birds aflame". Circa 1440-1446, the great Aztec l

The Candy Cane

Look at the Candy Cane What do you see? Stripes that are red Like the blood shed for me White is for my Savior Who's sinless and pure! "J" is for Jesus My Lord, that's for sure! Turn it around And a staff you will see Jesus my shepherd Was born for Me! Many years ago, a candy maker wanted to make a candy at Christmas time that would serve as a witness to his Christian faith. He wanted to incorporate several symbols for the birth, ministry and death of Jesus. He began with a stick of pure white hard candy; white to symbolize the Virgin Birth and the sinless nature of Jesus; hard to symbolize the solid rock, the foundation of the Church; firmness to represent the promise of God. The candymaker made the candy in the form of a "J" to represent the name of Jesus, who came to earth as our Savior. He thought it could also represent the staff of the Good Shepherd, with which he reached down into the ditches of the world to lift out the fallen lambs who, like all she


 Christ is born Heaven is real Rejoicing Icicle Star of Bethlehem Tidings of comfort and not Morning dawn Angels sing on high Salvation Thank you Lord for the birth of your son so that we may celebrate CHRISTmas

Happy Friday hope all is doing well

Truffles (on the chair)  Tilly up above the window are loving the sunshine today.  Its cold out but the sun is nice Sandra likes cuddling with the stuffed animals and baby Crissy who will be 48 on Christmas day.   Graecie is growing like a weed she loves cuddling with mom and the sun Millie tried to take over the whole table And meet TUX somebody dropped him off (how sad)  he stays at Josh's such a sweet kitty. Friday, December 16 Isaiah 9:6 6  For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. I am so thankful for the Reason for the Season, thank you Lord for the precious gift of your son, so that we all may be forgiven and saved thru the blood of Jesus.

Muskogee OK Christmas lights


Fiona Meets Friedrick

  Fiona meets Friedrick  she is like mom is the my brother or my boyfriend.  Yes, Fiona it is your brother we are not to the boyfriend age yet.  Thursday Dec 8   I apologize again for getting behind    I am doing 3 advent studies, my zoo crew takes time also, plus my daily chores. Silly elves I am thankful you are patriotic however no matter how hard you try it will not fling you back to the north pole.  Friday Dec 9 Fiona that is very rude of you to try to steal Uncle Josh's coffee *You are spose to drink hot chocolate w marsh mellows SILLY elf you do no need caffeine. Friedrick what on earth are you doing drinking out of Aunt Beth's coke as stated with Fiona you are spose to drink hot chocolate with marsh mellows  SILLY silly elves    However the people at the restaurant were all smiling with this 55 yr old mom playing with the elves while we were eating... *My job completed made somebody laugh*  Saturday 1210 oh Lordy now they think that the candy canes are edible, no sillie

Dec 7 Fiona playing on the hay

Fiona you silly elf do you not know that those hay bales could squish you to death.    I see you sitting on the trailer and next thing I know your trying to get upon the hay.   The horses were sure happy to get hay.  however they are hugs 3x4x8 winter has set in (it can be gone as far as  I am concerned  I do not do well with cold temps.   Wednesday, December 07 Matthew 25:40 40  “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Dec 6 Fiona I strictly said NO to this

  Oh my dear Lord.  Fiona escaped once again and this time thinking the skid loader was a new toy,  do you not think young lady that you are 1) not old enough to drive or operate this thing, 2) you can't even reach the controls much less the breaks 3) you are not even properly dressed for working construction.  Now I really wonder what is up her sleeve for tomorrow.    PSS She is getting a brother from Amazon tomorrow or Friday OH LORD HELP ME Tuesday, December 06   Revelation 1:18 18  I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.

Dec 5 Silly Elf

  Fiona, you silly elf how in the world did you get lodged up there to the trash cart like that?  I know your magical but gee.   I appreciate the help bringing it back to the house. truly I do.    What adventures will we seek for the 5th? no ma'am the construction equipment isn't a place for elves. Monday, December 05 2 Peter 3:10 10  But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.

The eye of God

  I am pretty sure this is a close idea of what the Eye of God looks like.  

Dec 4 Fiona got caught

  S illy silly elf. JOSH caught you the last 2 nights playing and hiding under Jack's blanket to stay warm. However tonight he called and Said you will not believe this. I caught Fiona red handed. The blurry one she was trying to get off before she got caught then running to hide in the brush by the watering trough. We have enough evidence that you have been escaping at night, crossing a very busy, dangerous street in the dark by her self. Hosea 6:3 3. Let us know; let us press on to know the LORD; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth."

Fiona the Elf has arrived

 Hi all Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving.  I am so sorry for not posting   I am doing 3 advent studies with 3 different groups.   The fur babies take up a big amount of time.  I have also been fighting depression.  *The holidays are hard on me*    We are back up and running and hope you will find time to stop by. I am going to combine several days into one then starting today will be a daily post The Elfin adventures have begun. Fiona is watching mom play her FB game Supercity and says it looks fun and mom your cities are beautiful. It's kind of dreary outside so inside adventures it is. November 27 Silly Elf Sandra isn't a reindeer, although I know she is the right color and size for you. Glad Sandra has good personality November 28 Run Fiona run, Graecie thinks you are a chew toy. The blurry picture Graecie was shaking her. November 29 Graecie gets 2 pics as this is her first time with Fiona Fiona, young lady, why are you scaring Tillie making her think your eating h