
Showing posts from October, 2022

Thankful Thursday

  Happy last Thursday in October.  Where in the world did October go? Our fall colors are starting to show, I can't wait to go for a drive and capture the beauty.   We got some very much needed rain, and cooler temps *it seems like fall* not our Indian Summer. We had our first heavy freeze *very early* but glad all the ragweeds are now gone and dead.  They cause horrible allergies.  There was at least 15 varieties in the yard.   Today I am thankful for so many things *everyday is a blessing to me*  THANKFUL My salvation, the never ending love of our heavenly Father (he never leaves us), cooler temps, the rain we got and more coming,  dependable transportation, the ability to go and take pictures, food in the cabinets, warm comfy blankets for cooler nights, heat for cold weather, my pets who love me unconditionally, friends, family, the ladies at the church I go to. PRAYING FOR our country, many illnesses throughout the country, people who have lost loved ones, lost souls, people wh

Wordless Wednesday

  101522 Wednesday 102622  Good morning I hope everyone is having a blessed week.  Everyday is a blessing for me.  We got some very much needed rain, was so dry 24 hrs later can hardly tell we even got rain. The weather is seeming more like fall, vs Indian summer.   Our trees are finally starting to turn YAYY I can't wait to take a drive and get some pictures.   My shoulder is doing great other than the cold weather achy (s) I am able to do most daily tasks now, still have a 5 to 10 lb limit until I see the dr the end of December.  We had our family reunion on 101522 35 showed up, we counted at least that many that couldn't make the day, their loss we had so much fun going down memory lane and building new memories   Hard to believe moms siblings have dwindled down to only 2 living there was 6.  Soon it will be my generation cousins doing the family reunions, I would really like to carry on the tradition after the uncles are gone.   Moms baby brother *seated in picture with ove

Tuesday 4 102522

  The End of October  Welcome once again to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 and thank you for joining in and                  helping to keep it going.  It is very much appreciated.  You can join here October is fast slipping away though it seems to only just begun!              Columbus Day is over but it will end with All Hallows Eve or Halloween            the night before All Saint's Day when Christian martyrs are remembered             and honored.   All hallows eve really means, the night before the holy           martyrs day but somehow it  became associated with spooky happenings.    Let's talk about the end of October.               1. Do you give out candy on Halloween to neighborhood kids? Did you ever. have you always?  A s a teen and young adult I did regularly, however              as of late I do not live in a populated kids area. 2. We must dress up as this Halloween. Yes, you have to!  What will your costume be this year?  H

Tuesday 102522

  Happy Tuesday all.   I pray that each of you are doing well.    We finally got some much needed rain here in OK,   I haven't taken many pics of  late as the sudden changing weather has my shoulder in a tizzy.  Nothing out of the normal just have to listen when it tells me to stop doing stuff.  My zoo crew is all doing well.  *Maybe a new name for a blog ? as I have my dollies and animals*  this may have to happen.   My heater decided it didn't want to work this year :( we have to take it apart with it have been raining it will have to be done at later time, I have a couple ceramic >electric< heaters that are sufficient for now.    I still HAVE NOT found my beloved necklace.  I know it will show up when I need a pick me up, and God will show me where it is.  Our trees are finally turning, may take a drive in a few days to capture some of the beauty. One thing I enjoy doing is coloring thought this one was appropriate for the season The Babies are growing th ey will be 9

Thankful Thursday

  Happy Thursday all!  hope your week has been full of many blessings. This past Saturday we had our family reunion on my moms side there was 35 there and approx that many that couldn't make it.   We had a great time and all of us 1st gen cousins sat around reminiscing about when our grandparents were alive, with things we all did growing up.   This was so much fun, I am pretty sure there were many tears. MY THANKFUL list today cooler temps, colors in the trees are starting to turn, we got a tiny bit of rain, will take what we get.  Family time, heat for the cooler nights, nice warm fuzzy blankets, my pets, salvation, that we had safe travels to and from TX PRAYER LIST our COUNTRY, rain, that we can get hay for the livestock, the twins have both had rsv, family illness's, financial freedom,  pleas if you will say a prayer that I find a family heirloom (necklace) my dad got it for my mom in 1975 (their 25th anniversary) it has 25 diamonds in it.   It fell down between the bed an

A beautiful drive

 Took a drive on Friday was so nice the fall colors are starting to peep through Noel, Missouri where the rocks and scenery are superb love  the cloud and sun along the cliffs here YES, this cliff hangs over the road, scary but cool The scenery is beautiful, this pic is going to be printed and hung on my wall Old rail road bridge Saginaw Missouri Monday, October 10 1 Peter 4:10 10  Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.