
Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday all!  How is it already going on the end of Sept? hard to believe that this year only has 3 months and 11 days or so. I am sorry I have been off blogging of late, the depression bug bit me hard, both vehicles were broken down at the same time, both are fixed and running now.   Today I am thankful for: My Salvation,  knowing that Jesus will never leave me, we have been getting cooler weather and a chance of rain tonight and tomorrow *please pray it does we need it desperately.  I am thankful for good reports at the pulmonologist last week, lungs are good!  I had to change my phone number, what a royal pain:  having to call SS, Medicare, Auto Insurance, Bank, Pharmacy, Dr's.  Up above you see both vehicle were broken at same time, the car broke a belt while I was in KS visiting my friends.  Thank GOD for AAA they rescued me and brought me home *I have the extended mileage* thankfully I wasn't on the road, the belt broke in my friends driveway.  Made for a really lo

Wordless Wednesday

  EZEKIEL 18:32 32  For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent and live!

Hello Bloggie Friends and Thankful Thursday

  Hi all my friends!  I hope that August has been good to you so far.   I had a bad week in July  My anniversary would have been the 14th,  Mom passed on 71721 then Gators bday would have been the 24th.   Now, we are in August, I Wish that I could skip August all together, however we know that isn't possible.   Why you ask? all 4 of my grandparents passed in August, one of my favorite uncles passed in August, and my dad passed in August.  there are many family birthdays that have helped me thru this month.  Last Wednesday I drove to KS to see my friend whom I was a BIG help on her getting off Meth.   My little car broke down while there, thankfully it happened in her yard, and wasn't in danger of being on the road.   *See Thankful Thursday!  Called AAA to see if they could tow me home, but to make sure I could ride along (Post covid they don't have to let you)  he said I have room for 1 rider  Thank You JESUS.  Get car home safely, to find the belt had broken, and no other 

Happy Birthday America

Happy Birthday America  This is a great song  RIP Toby Keith   July 4 is celebrated  because that's the day in 1776 when the country declared its freedom from British rule by signing the Declaration of Independence . True history buffs will know that only John Hancock penned his signature on July 4th.  248 yrs ago July 4th isn't about all the fireworks, and hoopla, it is about our freedom.  Our very freedom that 248 yrs is growing less and less each day.  We as a nation need to bring God back, He is the only one that can fix the continuously growing issues with out country. If you are going to be out celebrating the 4th please be safe, don't forget your pets, there are more pets lost during this time than any other, stay hydrated, wear loose and light weight clothing.  Take lots of photos and make those memories count.   God Bless The Usa Oh beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife Who more than self, their country loved And mercy more than life America, America may

Yellow flowers

These sunflowers came up from the wild bird seeds that I feed the birds Black eyed Susans Plains Coreopsis hope everyone is having a great summer so far.  Here it has been in the upper 90's with heat index of 115 already, its TOO early for this heat.  We do not usually see these temps until  the end of July to middle of August.   We have been dodging storms like crazy.  THANK you Jesus for not letting us be hurt, or our places destroyed. hope everyone has a blessed week ahead:  stay hydrated, check your elderly neighbors, your pets and disabled neighbors  

thankful Thursday

  Happy Thursday!  I hope you all have had a blessed week, and that you were safe over the weekend.   Saturday night, the town I do most of my shopping was torn up pretty bad by and Ef3/4 tornado.  This town is only 19 miles from where I live, all I knew todo was to pray God's angels of protection around me and my pets, we didn't even get a rain drop.  Thank you Lord for always being my shield in the storm.    This week I am thankful for no storms, my sister in VA she is such a blessing to me, and that my belt on my vehicle didn't break and leave me stranded on the road.  For my Salvation, and that Jesus no matter the situation He is always there for me,  believe me I keep my guardian angels busy.    I am thankful for food in the cabinets, a/c for the warmer temps, dependable transportation, my friends,  my sister in law who sends me daily devotionals now, for the longest time we didn't like each other.  God is working miracles in/around me.  I am thankful for the beaut

Sunday Blessings

  Happy Sonday all! I hope each and every one of you are having a blessed day in the Lord.  I didn't make it to church this am, my alarm went off and I was so dizzy decided that it would not be safe for me to try to drive. Here in the Midwest (OK) we are under severe thunderstorms after 10:30 I sure do not like those over night storms.  I have been praying for al that were in the path of that awful Derecho, we had one hit here last Father's Day, they are as bad or worse than tornadoes. got the yard mostly mowed, just in time for the next rain right now it is growing on average of 8" a week.  Had a surprise helper show up to do the weed eating, that in itself is 1/2 days work.  Having to start early to finish by 1pm then it gets too hot and muggy to be outside. This is from Our Daily Bread devotional today Making God Known Bible in a Year : 1 Chronicles 7-9 John 6:22-44 Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb. Revelation 7:10 Today's Script