
Showing posts from September, 2024

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday all!  How is it already going on the end of Sept? hard to believe that this year only has 3 months and 11 days or so. I am sorry I have been off blogging of late, the depression bug bit me hard, both vehicles were broken down at the same time, both are fixed and running now.   Today I am thankful for: My Salvation,  knowing that Jesus will never leave me, we have been getting cooler weather and a chance of rain tonight and tomorrow *please pray it does we need it desperately.  I am thankful for good reports at the pulmonologist last week, lungs are good!  I had to change my phone number, what a royal pain:  having to call SS, Medicare, Auto Insurance, Bank, Pharmacy, Dr's.  Up above you see both vehicle were broken at same time, the car broke a belt while I was in KS visiting my friends.  Thank GOD for AAA they rescued me and brought me home *I have the extended mileage* thankfully I wasn't on the road, the belt broke in my friends driveway.  Made for a really lo

Wordless Wednesday

  EZEKIEL 18:32 32  For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent and live!