
Showing posts from September, 2022

A few pics from the weekend

This little frog thought he was hiding from me however I saw him jump there.  Mr/Mrs Frog you can't hide from a photographer no matter how clever you think you are. Saturday's Bible Journaling.  I also use a 3 subject notebook as sometimes what I want to journal is too large for my bible. Psalm 23:2  has so much truth to it The angels were looking down on us along with the beautiful sun rays  I know I keep my guardian angels on their toes for sure.  I love when God paints for us.  This was around dusk Ms. Corn Spider decided to make her web on the end of my travel trailer  (she is shielded by the ladder)  they are harmless, eat lots of bugs and make a beautiful zipper web for us to enjoy.   I had never gotten close enough to one to see that their heads are grey very cool More beautiful clouds right at dusk I am not sure of the shapes I see in this photo. Todays bible verse :   Monday, September 26 2 Peter 3:9 9  The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand sl

Tuesday 4 92022 Autumn Trip

  Autumn Trip  Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we put 4 questions up                             each week for you to ponder and answer.  Then we hope you visit all the other participants too. so we can get to know one another better. Let's plan a lovely vacation through New England to see the Autumn leaves..                    Money is no object and we have all the time we would like. 1. How many days and  nights would you like to be away?                                                    maybe a month so that I could enjoy and take lots of pics. 2. What kind of car would you like to take on this trip? Maybe you                           would enjoy the train? Would you sail up the coast in a yacht?                                          I would prefer driving my suv, again so that I can take my time enjoying the scenery and being able to take pics. 3. Would side trips be on your agenda? Perhaps to Mystic, Connecticut, Salem, Massachusetts, Plimouth, (yes, the

Sunday photos and bible journaling

Happy and Blessed Sunday  Bible Journaling Deuteronomy 6:6-9 We should all HIDE God's word in our hearts an memorize as much as we can.  I believe the day is coming when we will be needing it. Always, keep his word at the front of your minds again, we never know when this may be needed My 4 girls enjoying an easy day with mom                Tillie (laying on my laptop fan) Millie on moms lap, Sandra loves a belly rub look at that smile.   Truffles is actually being good (white kitten in the chair).   Millie and Tillie are Identical twins Last but most definitely NOT least                                               Everybody meet Graecie Leanne the miniature Dachshund she was 8 weeks old Saturday 91722.  My lifelong friend since 1980 is giving her to me as she only wants her to have a good home.   Talk about being blessed.        I hope everyone is having a great and blessed weekend.   Please pray for the midwest  we are in dyer need of rain, and this week back up in the 100s :(

Tuesday 4 9522

  September 2022 Hello and welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.   We are so glad to  have you join in.  The "Ber" months have begun: September, October,  November and December.   Let's talk about  September okay?   You can join in here  Tuesday 4 1. When you were in school or university, did you look forward to returning?             Why or why not?    I stayed local and was able to go home daily                        (never liked being away from home)(and still prefer home) 2. September has  Labor Day, which, for many is the signal of summer's                       end and fall's grand entrance.  Do you celebrate Labor Day in any way                           or is it just a day off for you? When my parents were alive we had a                   cookout but that has stopped so now its just a day at home. 3. September's birthstone is the Sapphire which is 2nd only to a diamond                        in hardness. (Ruby is a red sapphire by the way) It c

Fun with Bible Journaling and shoulder update

Had good visit with both Pulmonology she said my lungs sounded great, even better than the last time they thought I was in beginning stages of COPD and thinking now it is most likely from the severity of my asthma and being a heart patient.   Left this appt and headed straight to orthopedic for 6 week (7 because of scheduling)  however I am now almost 8 weeks (thur)    Dr was very impressed with the range of motion and the movement told me to keep up the good work, and that I no longer had to go to PT thank you Jesus as that drive stressed me out.   I will see ortho the end of Dec.      I do not have to see Pulmonology and cardiology now for a year (unless needed)  Thank you Jesus again for making my heart better. As you all have known I have taken up bible journaling and really enjoying This month we are going to memorize the Beatitudes Matthew 5: 1-12 if you want to play along I will post 3 verses a week and at the end of the month you will have them memorized.  These came from the N