
Showing posts from August, 2022

Terrific Tuesday

The storm clouds 82922 were awesome in this one I see 2 angry faces right in the middle, somebody running away and somebody looking like they want to punch them up above.   We did get about enough rain to settle the dust  please pray for more.  there is already a hay shortage for the livestock This is the clouds to the SW  Bible Verse cards  I love doing these it is so fun and a fun way to learn the bible. hope everyone has a super blessed week Tomorrow 83122 I go to ortho for 7 week follow up and thinking he will more than likely release me from going to PT and do them at home, thank you all for the prayers during the recovery and for not giving up on my blog

Friendly Friday

 hi all sorry I have been absent :( going to PT 3 times a week up till this week has been rough.  I see the orhto next Wed.   I am feeling better than I have felt in years.   I am almost fully functionable with my right shoulder *thank you for all the prayers* I give my healing to God, our group of ladies prayed that I would have no pain and a speedy recovery.  So far I have had no pain, and recovery for 7 weeks they say is going great.  As most of you know I have started doing bible journaling and really enjoying it. You can click on the photos to bring them larger to be able to read.  Sorry I couldn't get the 2 bottom pics to go together like I wanted    Hope you have a blessed weekend   

Thankful Thursday August 11 22

Today is Thankful Thursday, what are you thankful for?   THANKFUL I am thankful for my SALVATION my shoulder surgery being a success PT going well I can actually move my neck from side to side and turn w/o major pain (I am guessing that my shoulder injury was the culprit, as of right after surgery I could move it normally) thank you JESUS. AC for this heat we are having a safe place to live  food the ladies from church in KS still reaching out to me every few weeks,   Monday getting together with the ladies from KS church  learning how to do bible journaling friend for working on my suv, car and keeping my trailer up and working properly NEEDING PRAYER OUR COUNTRY CHURCHES TO HAVE REVIVAL LOST SOULS my friend Beverly just lost her husband to cancer :(  anna who is in a very abusive relationship and dangerous situation mark, his daughter and her boyfriend were in a horrible accident (had they not have been ejected from the car both would have been killed)  the daughter is still on a ven

Fun finds on rte 66

   found this coo little road side attraction on RTE 66 Afton OK, its called NOWHERE on rte 66 kind of funny this replica is very cool I wanted to push the buttons on the remote (not really) but the kid in us. the totem poles are made out of old plastic gas cans, detergent bottles, watering cans either way its cool another totem pole LOVE the tree people how cool is this? Think that he/she has been on that scooter a little too long in the heat? I found the hippie clan again all made from tree limbs and plastic containers how cool remember the sinclair dinosaur? he tops right up there with the pink flamingo I found last yr on rte 66  I couldn't find the post to link some more tree people and totem howerver this gives all the states of rte 66 rte 66 sign how i love these tree people he is the OK man Can't forget the KS tree man and Arizona this old oil truck from the 40's is very cool and to end the beautiful day  caught the moon just as it was coming up I love finding treasu

Bible verse cards

This is something that I look forward to on Friday's (the verse cards) however I make them my own   The cards (I print out) then choose a verse *on the verse titles) to coincide with the pictures.  This time I printed them on sticker paper, vs cutting them out then gluing waiting for it to dry then writing the verses, saved myself a few steps.   Then punched holes in them to put on my bible verse key ring  Our teacher sends this card with the verses along with the printed ones, then I choose the one I like for each verse  I always think of a song that goes with the verse, put the words on the back of card Chorus to "his eye is on the sparrow" We should all proclaim the name of the Lord always be humble and kind comes to mind with this verse :) I will write that on the back! I hope that you have enjoyed my bible journaling and my verse cards.   I will get back to blogging soon right now I can only do one or two post a week, I am getting better with my shoulder I just have

Bible Journaling

I started a 30 day bible journaling challenge (it started July 4th) due to my shoulder surgery I am just now getting started with it.    This was my entry for today Matthew 6: 28-29   Matthew 6:28-29  King James Version  28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: 29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. this is a fun way to grow out relaionship with Christ along with a fun way to learn the bible. Hope everyone has a blessed night

Gods Beauty

so hard to believe these little guys will be 6 months tomorrow 8222 sitting in their highchairs eating breakfast like big boys  Samuel Everette  Carter Lynn a pretty little yellow flower shot with my new macro lens (This is the first pics with camera in 6 months or more) The ants sure love this milk weed, the monarchs love it, must be really sweet tasting this bumblebee had so much pollen on him/her blow up the pic and you can see the pollen dust on the thistle another bumblebee and yet another one it wasn't bothered with me having the lens 3" from him Dad's headstone got replanted so they could engrave moms  Mom's part of the headstone finally got engraved a year later, it is so nice, mom would really be proud. seems the bumble bee couldn't decide on the milk weed or the thistle this cute little butterfly found the thistle.   Those things have big, huge stickers and do not feel nice when they grab you, however I do not have the heart to cut them down since so many