
Showing posts from May, 2024

thankful Thursday

  Happy Thursday!  I hope you all have had a blessed week, and that you were safe over the weekend.   Saturday night, the town I do most of my shopping was torn up pretty bad by and Ef3/4 tornado.  This town is only 19 miles from where I live, all I knew todo was to pray God's angels of protection around me and my pets, we didn't even get a rain drop.  Thank you Lord for always being my shield in the storm.    This week I am thankful for no storms, my sister in VA she is such a blessing to me, and that my belt on my vehicle didn't break and leave me stranded on the road.  For my Salvation, and that Jesus no matter the situation He is always there for me,  believe me I keep my guardian angels busy.    I am thankful for food in the cabinets, a/c for the warmer temps, dependable transportation, my friends,  my sister in law who sends me daily devotionals now, for the longest time we didn't like each other.  God is working miracles in/around me.  I am thankful for the beaut

Sunday Blessings

  Happy Sonday all! I hope each and every one of you are having a blessed day in the Lord.  I didn't make it to church this am, my alarm went off and I was so dizzy decided that it would not be safe for me to try to drive. Here in the Midwest (OK) we are under severe thunderstorms after 10:30 I sure do not like those over night storms.  I have been praying for al that were in the path of that awful Derecho, we had one hit here last Father's Day, they are as bad or worse than tornadoes. got the yard mostly mowed, just in time for the next rain right now it is growing on average of 8" a week.  Had a surprise helper show up to do the weed eating, that in itself is 1/2 days work.  Having to start early to finish by 1pm then it gets too hot and muggy to be outside. This is from Our Daily Bread devotional today Making God Known Bible in a Year : 1 Chronicles 7-9 John 6:22-44 Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb. Revelation 7:10 Today's Script

Thankful Thursday

May 9, 2024 Happy Thursday all. I am sorry I have been away of late, there has just been a whole lot of life thrown at me if if you follow me on FB you have seen the info. Today, I am thankful for: My salvation and knowing that God is always faithful. That the tornadoes so far have passed us by only leaving us with heavy rain and wind. A/C, Dependable transportation, food in the cabinets, friends calling to check on me to make sure I am ok, finding a local country church that only has 12 people, yes that is correct, everybody is family.   I am grateful for my family, friends, my fur children loving me unconditionally. Please join me in prayer for the following Praying for our country,  all the sick and afflicted, financial freedom,  growth of our lil church, music, preacher Families reuniting,  My niece who lost a 2yr old baby unexpectedly Will post more on that later 

Wordless Wednesday
