
Showing posts from June, 2023

Week 2 and 3 Fellowship

 First of all sorry for the late post.   Early morning hours of Father's Day we had very bad storms come thru.  90+ mph winds, then lost power.   All I knew to do was pray for angels of protection around us we got the warning on phone said 2 hrs before arrival.   WRONG it was here in less than 13 minutes.   We rock n rolled for a little bit, however we only had a few small limbs down, my picnic table was turned upside down, blew my windmill down *unbroken*  across the street, they had huge hardwood trees down    I know that God had his hands on us.  At one point over 150,000 OK residence were without power.  We had 35,000 linemen from all over the country show up and give aid to help restore power.  There is still a few hundred without power 10 days later, it has been in the upper 90 with heat index into the 110 range.  Please say a prayer for those traveling that they can soon return home to their families.   AND NOW FOR week 2 and 3 of FELLOWSHIP Week 2 Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpe

June bible journaling: FELLOWSHIP

Jesus Prays for All Believers 20  “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message,   21  that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. SO THAT, the answer why fellowship and unity are so important:  So that the world may believe. root meaning of FELLOWSHIP:   companionship, spirit of friendliness                                                                          Synonym: communion, rapport root meaning of UNITY:  Quality or state of not being multiple, oneness, condition of harmony.                          Synonym: Orchestration, Symphony, Symmetry  (if a team of musicians are not in tune with each other imagine how awful the sound would be). Sometimes even as Christians' we march to the beat of our own tune, oblivious to those whom we are hurting around us.  The world is watching, and longing for that fellowship and h