I have only joined in here a few times and absolutely love this blog hop We are happy you are here for another week of friendly sharing! As always, you can find the fill-ins here and at 15andmeowing.com each Thursday. On Fridays, we post the linky for sharing. The first two fill-ins are always provided by Ellen. The final two statements are offered by myself. You are welcome to answer in the comments, but if you link up, even more people can share! Please share. The heat is cranking up quickly, now. Many areas are getting very hot conditions. Please remember to keep your critters cool, as you do your other loved ones. Check their water supplies often, to keep their water bowls clean and filled. Watch for other animals that may be in need of help, too. This includes neighborhood pets, critters in vehicles, and even wild animals that may need assistance. As always, be kind, enjoy your loved ones, and take ca...